Explore our services



Do you strive to live a healthier way of life but sometimes feel overwhelmed, guilty or confused in the process? If you want to live a healthier, low toxic lifestyle, without the overwhelm or guilt, we’re here to help! We’ll provide you with simple tools to help you meet your goals. Together, we’ll protect you and your family, and move towards curating a low toxic environment.

The low toxic method



Conduct consultation to outline goals, expectations, and needs for your future



Eliminate toxic products and habits from your home and life to make way for a clean slate



Collect products, tools and services that offer sustainable solutions for a low toxic lifestyle



Regularly revisit best practices to ensure your solutions are easy to stick to for the long-term

Explore our current packages

Whether it’s a complete reset, or incremental change, I want to help you live your best low toxic lifestyle. Select from these packages and book a phone or video consult. We can find the right solutions for your lifestyle and budget.


The Simple Solution

Consultation via Email Correspondence

Ask me anything! Are you loyal to a certain brand or product and want our opinion on it? Do you want a recommendation for a healthier alternative to something that you have in your household? This consult is by email correspondence only and will be answered within 72 hours. Once you purchase this service, please email me your question(s) with as much detail as possible including product links or a photo of the ingredients.

After payment please email me at lowtoxicliving@gmail.com

  • 1 Question - $30

  • 2 Questions - $40

    This service is temporarily closed. I am hoping to reopen this service in July. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

The Foundation

60 Minute Video Call or Phone Consultation, $150

Transitioning to a lower toxic lifestyle can be overwhelming and confusing. Allow us to answer any of your questions and provide personalized recommendations regarding your home detox and health goals. This is a great option to discuss a few questions in-depth or a broader conversation on a handful of topics.

Included with your 60-minute zoom/phone consultation is:

  • A follow up email summarizing the recommendations

  • Access to Low Toxic Living’s private Facebook community where I answer your questions and provide information, articles and reviews specifically created for you


The Reset

2 - 60 Minute Video Call or Phone Consultation, $275

We’re here to help recalibrate your environment and refresh your habits to be as safe, sustainable and healthy as possible. Allow me to answer any questions you may have and create a tailored set of solutions just for you. This consultation is a deeper dive into your questions and includes a customized written lifestyle plan to give you confidence in living a lower toxic lifestyle.

Included in The Reset

  • A follow up email with a customized lifestyle plan

  • 2 follow up questions via email

  • Access to Low Toxic Living’s private Facebook community where I answer your questions and provide information, articles and reviews specifically created for you

The benefits of a low toxic lifestyle


Investing in your own health and wellbeing makes you more capable and available to support those you love. If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.


At Home

Our bodies are overly burdened by environmental toxins. From cleaning to beauty products, indoor air and food choices, we are met with substances that can have a profound impact on our wellness.

By lowering toxic exposures in your space or simply learning the importance of living a lower waste lifestyle, you’ll be making a noticeable improvement in you and your family’s wellbeing.

In Life

We are all over scheduled, over stressed, and under pressure. By pausing to examine and optimize our wellness, we can take back control over our lives.

A sustainable, healthy lifestyle focused on personal wellbeing is about small, incremental changes, with big impact. You thrive when you put energy into yourself and the world around you.